Date: March 30, 2020
Age: 2years
Theme: Seeds
Sub theme: Different kinds of seeds
Guided learning: (Teacher- direct)
Topic\Activity title: Different kinds of seed- “Peas seed”
CIRCLE TIME: Coloring,. Saying ABC, Numbers, Counting
Duration:20-25 min
✓ Identify four 4 different kinds of seeds which are peas seed, pumpkin seed, Orange seeds, and apple seeds.
✓ Identify the Peas seed different from the three 3 other seeds
✓ Speak freely about the four different kinds of seeds
✓Recall what all the four 4 seeds does
SKILLS: Identifying, listening, speaking
RESOURCES AND MATERIALS: Charts or picture of the different kinds of seeds, crayons, pencil, and book
Introductory Activity: Children will be given the four 4 actual seeds. To observe and to identify.
Step 1- Show children the actual seeds
Step 2- Show children pictures of the actual seeds
Step 3- Through questioning and discussion children will identify the Peas seeds different from the other 3 seeds
Step 4- Allow children to speak freely about the different kinds of seeds and their purpose.
ASSESSMENT: Children will be given pictures of the different kinds of seeds to identify and to speak about and pictures where they would colour and write the names of the peas seed.
Seasoned Salt Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Before You Consume Crushed Apple Seeds! – Leadership Newspaper
What is an orange pip? – Quora
Date: March 19
Age:2 Years
Theme: Seeds
Sub theme: Different kind of seeds
Guided learning: (Teacher direct)
Topic/Activity title: Different kind of seeds “Peas seed”
CIRCLE TIME: saying ABC, counting from 1-10, and saying the shapes
Duration 20-25 mins
✓Identify 2 different kinds of seed which are peas seed and ackee seed.
✓Identify the peas seed different from the ackee seed.
✓Speak about the peas seed.
✓Recall what the peas seed does.
Skills: Listening,. Speaking, and Identifying
Resources and material’s: Chart or a picture of the two seeds,. Glue, book, crayons
Introductory Activity: Children will be given an actual seed to observe and to identify.
Step 1- Show children the actual peas seed
Step 2- Show children pictures of the peas seed
Step 3-Through questioning and discussion children will identify the Peas seed different from the ackee seed
Step 4-Allow children to speak freely about the peas seed, the ackee seed and their purpose.
ASSESSMENT: Children will be given the pictures of the seeds to paste into their books and to colour it.
How to Grow Red Beans | Guide to Growing Red Beans
25585 – Stargazers Lounge
Ackee Tree
Date: March 23,2020
Age: 2 Years
Theme: Seeds
Sub theme: Different kinds of seed
Guided learning: (Teacher- direct)
Topic/Activity title: Different kind of seeds Peas seeds “Peas seeds”
CIRCLE TIME: Saying ABC, counting from 1-10, colouring, and puzzle
Duration:20-25 min
✓Identify 3 different kinds of seeds which are mango seed, apple seed, and peas seed
✓Identify the Peas seed different from the two other seeds
✓Speak freely about the three different kinds of seeds
✓Recall what the Peas seed does
Skills: identify,speaking, and listening
RESOURCES AND MATERIALS: Pictures of the different seeds, crayons, glue,and book
Introductory Activity: Children will be given the three actual seeds to observe and to identify
Step 1- show children the three actual seeds
Step 2- Show children pictures of the different kinds of seed
Step 3- Through questioning and discussion children will identify the Peas seed different from the two other seeds
Step 4- Allow children to speak freely about the different kinds of seeds and their purpose
Assessment: Children will be given the pictures to paste into their books and pictures of the seeds that they can colour