Good morning beautiful parents and students, hope you are all doing well this morning, and you all had wonderful weekend,
ABBA-father good morning, to you Lord belong all glory honour an praise. Psalm 27: 1-14
Teacher :Ms Tulloch
Class : 3
Age group : 5 years old
Date : May 18, 2020
Theme : Jamaica Land we Love
Sub-Theme : The Beauty of Our Land
# of children in class : 9
Mode of contact : Whatsapp
Objectives: children should be able to:
• Reproduce the sound heard in seashell
• Recognize the /sh/ sound
• Identity and name the letters that make the /sh/ sound
Find at least 4 (four) pictures with the /sh/ sound
RESOURCES: seashell, cup, letter tiles, picture cards, book, pencil, crayons, activity sheets.
1( A large seashell or a plastic cup is needed for this activity) parents assist your child to hold the seashell or cup over their ear and listen keenly for a few seconds.
2 Ask your child to reproduce the /sh/ sound.
3 From discarded materials e.g cardboard, create five small squares and write the letter s, c, p, l and h on each square
4 Allow your child to sort letter tiles and find the two letters that make the /sh/ sound.
5 Place objects and pictures with and without the /sh/ sound in a box or bag. Put a box on a flat surface. Ask your child to select all the pictures/objects from the box/ bag with the /sh/sound and place them in the box. The non sh objects should remain in the box / bag. Your child should call the names of the object/pictures in the box and repeat the sh sound that is heard in the objects/pictures
6 With the use of a phone, tablet or computer; click on the link below and allow your child to listen and dance to the song and follow the instructions
1 Take your child on a tour inside and outside the house to identify and collect other items with the /sh/ sound. Give him/her a book to draw and colour four of the object seen or collected with /sh/.
Circle the words hat begin with SH.
Class activity
1.Allow Children to paste a picture of two different kind of bird’s into their books and trace the name of the bird
2.Allow Children to colour atleast one of the bird and to be able to identify it
3.Allow Children to state the reason of the bird getting water
Image: feather: Anatomy and Function
Image: Bird Feathers
Class activity
Allow Children to identify the bird different from the water
Allow Children to state what the bird is covered with (feather)
Allow Children to state what the bird does (fly)
Image: What Does Dove Mean?
Image: Barn Owl Identification. All About Birds
Class activity
Circle time: Children Identifying shapes, saying ABC, counting from 1-10, and playing with building blocks
1. List the names of four different bird’s and allow Children to Colour them
2. Trace the names of the four different bird’s listed above
3. Allow Children to identify the food that pigon eat
Class activity
Circle Time: saying ABC, Counting from 1-10, playing with block or toy’s, and reading a story book
1. Allow Children to identify two pigon and one duck and place the pictures into their books
2.Allow Children to trace the letter of the pigon and colour the picture of the duck
3.Allow Children to observe the difference of the duck and the pigon
Image: Penguins
Image: Parrot
Good morning beautiful parents and students, hope you are all doing well this morning, and you all had wonderful weekend,
ABBA-father good morning, to you Lord belong all glory honour an praise. Psalm 27: 1-14
Teacher :Ms Tulloch
Class : 3
Age group : 5 years old
Date : May 18, 2020
Theme : Jamaica Land we Love
Sub-Theme : The Beauty of Our Land
# of children in class : 9
Mode of contact : Whatsapp
Objectives: children should be able to:
• Reproduce the sound heard in seashell
• Recognize the /sh/ sound
• Identity and name the letters that make the /sh/ sound
Find at least 4 (four) pictures with the /sh/ sound
RESOURCES: seashell, cup, letter tiles, picture cards, book, pencil, crayons, activity sheets.
1( A large seashell or a plastic cup is needed for this activity) parents assist your child to hold the seashell or cup over their ear and listen keenly for a few seconds.
2 Ask your child to reproduce the /sh/ sound.
3 From discarded materials e.g cardboard, create five small squares and write the letter s, c, p, l and h on each square
4 Allow your child to sort letter tiles and find the two letters that make the /sh/ sound.
5 Place objects and pictures with and without the /sh/ sound in a box or bag. Put a box on a flat surface. Ask your child to select all the pictures/objects from the box/ bag with the /sh/sound and place them in the box. The non sh objects should remain in the box / bag. Your child should call the names of the object/pictures in the box and repeat the sh sound that is heard in the objects/pictures
6 With the use of a phone, tablet or computer; click on the link below and allow your child to listen and dance to the song and follow the instructions
1 Take your child on a tour inside and outside the house to identify and collect other items with the /sh/ sound. Give him/her a book to draw and colour four of the object seen or collected with /sh/.
Circle the words hat begin with SH.
Good morning parents and students, let’s us continue to hold stead fast to unchangeable hands of God, because he is the same God yesterday, today and forevermore.
ABBA-father good morning. I thank you for blessing there bread and water and that they are in good health, Lord in your presence there is fullness of joy an pleasure forevermore, your joy is there strength. You are there high tower, there provider, there melody and there song, in Jesus name mighty name Amen.
Teacher :Ms. Tulloch
Class : 3
Age group : 5 years old
Date : May 19, 2020
Theme : Jamaica Land we Love
Sub-Theme : The Beauty of Our Land
#of children in class : 9
Mode of contact : whatsapp
Objectives: at the end of the activity children should be able to
• Define seashell
• Recite the tongue twister/poem ‘ she sells seashells’.
• Analyze an collate data using symbols.
• Design a seashell necklace using resources provided
• Share at least one experience they’ve had at the seashore.
Resources: paint/crayons seashell template, string/yarn, paper, a pair of scissors, pencil or marker.
Activity: Discussion
1) Show children the words of the poem
2) Allow them to examine the poem below
Complete the pictograph below
3) Ask children to share their experience at a seashore.
4) Ask children if they’ve seen a seashell by the seashore, what did it look like? How did it feel?
5) Discuss with children the term “seashell.” ( An empty shell of a small sea creature, often one found lying on the beach/ seashore
6) use the template of the seashell an design your seashell with a colour pattern, E.g yellow orange green red yellow orange green red.
Good morning parents and students, how clearly the sky reveals God’s glory!
How plainly it shows what he has done. Psalm 19 : 1
ABBA-father good morning, hear our cries oh Lord; as we cry on to thee from the end of the earth we cry onto thee this morning Lord.
Teacher:Ms Tulloch
Class: 3
Age group: 5 years old
Theme: Jamaica Land we Love
Sub-Theme: The Beauty of Our Land
#of children in class: 9
Mode of contact: whatsapp
Continuation from yesterday
Making the necklace
7) Cut out the template
8) Place a small hole in it
9) Place a string/yarn through the hole
Follow-up Activities
Digging for treasures
1) Create more seashells and place new vocabulary words behind.
2) Hide them around the house
3)Find as many as you can ( the winner is the one who find the most
Teacher: Ms. Tulloch
Class: 3
Age group: 5 years old
Date: April 30, 2020
Theme: Jamaica Land we Love
Sub-Theme: The Beauty of Our Land
Kingston is the capital or most important town in Jamaica. It is also the largest.
Objectives at the end of the activities children should be able to:
»Locate Kingston on the map of Jamaica.
» Name at least 3 historical sites in Kingston
»Share your experience of at least one historical site in that you have visited.
Map of Jamaica, pictures, of historical sites in Kingston
• Ask children what the capital of Jamaica is. If they are unable to say, remind them.
•Assist children to identify Kingston on the Jamaican map
•Allow to identify pictures of different historical sites found in Kingston
•Allow children to share their experience visiting one of the historical sites
Play a memory game using picture cards
1 Shuffle picture cards
2 place cards face down
3 Take up one card and try to find the matching pair
Watch video showing areas in Kingston Jamaica.
Video link:
A six minutes bedtime story for the little ones. Good night , love Ms. Tulloch
Teacher: Ms. Tulloch
Class: 3
Date: May 1, 2020
Age group: 5 years old
Theme: Jamaica Land we Love
Sub-Theme: The Beauty of Our Land
Jamaica has many parishes;people live in all the parishes; some parishes are bigger than others (size and number of people)
Objectives: children should be able to
• Identify the map of Jamaica on the globe.
•Sing and dance to songs about Jamaica
•Identify the map of Jamaica from other maps
• Count how many letters are in the word Jamaica.
RESOURCES: Newspapers, magazines,cellphone, map of China and Africa, any device with internet access word Jamaica
1 Listen to a song about Jamaica and share experiences ( this is the Land of my Birth)
2 Look at and discuss the map of Jamaica ( big/ little; do you think we can travel around or through it (why/ why not:) distance or time it will take.
3 Distinguish the map of Jamaica from among other maps
4 Count the number of letters that are in the word Jamaica in sequential order
1 Children will complete a seven-piece puzzle of Jamaica ( get a map of Jamaica and cut it in seven pieces)
2 Continue to listen to other songs about Jamaica (Jamaica Land of Beauty, The National Anthem)
Parent will be in an area marked Jamaica. Child will ask how many steps to reach Jamaica? Parent will respond 3 frog leaps. Child will take 3 frog leaps as told, the game continues until the child reaches the spot Jamaica.
4 Search for small words from the word Jamaica, for example: am, jam
Bedtime story for the little ones. Good night have a lovely weekend everyone, love Ms.Tulloch
Good morning parents and students, well come back. Hope you all had a fantastic Easter holiday, we are now in the third term of the school year and looking forward to have a great ending as we continue on this platform. As you know we are all going through this trying time. But with God’s grace and mercy we shall over come, because this too shall pass
ABBA-father good morning, Ms. Tulloch thank you for watching over my students parent and supplying there needs, sending healing where it is needed, bandages the wound were it hurts, comfort the one’s who mourns, give then joy for sadness, strength for weakness, and be there high tower an defense city I put these words to you Lord let it be establish in Jesus name. Amen
Term 3
Age group
Theme:Jamaica Land we love
Sub-Theme: Beauty of Our Land
Objectives:children should be able to
•Listen to songs about Jamaica, sing along and do dance movements to the different musical rhythms of Jamaican songs e.g ” oh island in the sun”, Jamaica Land of Beauty, This is the Land of my Birth”
• Discuss the Jamaican flags and what these three colours represent
•Say what is the National Bird, Dish, Tree etc.
Watch youtube video for songs: This is the Land of my Birth, etc
•Listen to and participate in
•Participate in dance activities
Contribute various collections of Jamaican songs
Class Activities
1. Trace the letters of the 4 different peas seed weed such as Apple seed, Pumpkin seed, Orange seed, and Peas seed
2. Colour the pictures of the different peas seed and paste them into your book
3. Decorations the peas seed with crayons or pencil shave.
Class Activities
1. Draw any four 4 different kind seeds along with two circles and a triangle and allow children to circle the seeds
2. Trace the letters of two seeds and color both seeds in red
Class Activities
1. Plant a pease seed into a container and allow the child to water it and give there reasons for watering the plant.
2. Allow children to give clarification on what the seed does after being water.
3. Allow children to observe the plant and to speak freely on what they see.
Date: April 2020
Age group: 5 years old
Theme: Jamaica Land we Love
Sub-Theme : The Beauty of Our Land
Objectives: at the end of the activity children should be able to
•Discuss why Jamaica is called an island by examining the picture of an island and Jamaica’s location on the map/globe
Create a scene to depict on island using resources provided.
• Share at least one experience they’ve had in the Caribbean sea.
Resources: Picture of an island, virtual map/globe, blue basin, water outline map of Jamaica, crayons, blank sheets, word cards worksheet, ball, plastic bottles.
Introduction: sing song ” Jamaica is an island in the Caribbean sea”
ACTIVITIES: discussion: show 1)children an outline shape of Jamaica and allow them to feel around the edges.
2) introduce the world map or globe and have children attempt to identify Jamaica. Help children whete necessary to locate Jamaica.
3) share with children that Jamaica is an island
4 ) Have children view a picture of an island
5) Discuss with children the term “island” an why Jamaica is called an island. (An island is a piece of land surrounded by water)
6) show children a map of Jamaica surrounded by the Caribbean sea and allow them to touch the area where the sea is located.
7) Allow children to talk about the colour of the sea and share one experience they’ve had in the Caribbean sea.
8) Have children place model map of Jamaica in a blue basin with small amount of water to create island effect. Recap with children that Jamaica is an island because it is surrounded by the Caribbean sea.
Follow-up Activities.
1) colour around the outline map of Jamaica below to show the Caribbean sea and label it.
(Caribbean sea-word card)
2) unscramble these words.
landsi ……………
Sae ……………
acaiJma …………
3)Word Hunt
Parents or children will hide word cards around the home (inside or outside)
Take a walk and try to find the following words in your home surroundinds
4) Word Bowling
> Empty four or more 2litre soda bottles and lightweight balls (box etc.)
> Set up plastic bottles like bowling pins with words written on them. ( SEA, JAMAICA, ISLAND, SURROUNDED, CARIBBEAN)
> Ask children to hit a certain bottles, e.g roll the ball to hit the word ( sea)
HOW TO DO IT: have children stand a short distance away from the bottles and roll the ball to knock the bottles.